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 Entertainment Archive 2019

Snapchat users tweeted out jokes about the app being down
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 2, 2019

Snapchat goes down and its users go not to Facebook, but to Twitter to tweet out jokes about the app not working.

Snapchat was trending on the Twitter after Google servers took Snapchat, YouTube, and Google down for several hours.

While trying to be funny, the West Coast tech company decided to blame the East Coast users of its products for its servers not being able to handle traffic in the cloud.

Here’s what The Verge quoted those West Coast techies as saying, “high levels of network congestion in the eastern USA.”

Come to find out, there was congestion all over the W-O-R-L-D. Folks on the European continent couldn’t snapchat. Folks on the Asian continent couldn’t Snapchat. Folks on the African continent couldn’t snapchat. Folks on the Australian Continent couldn’t snapchat. Folks on the North American Continent couldn’t snapchat. Folks on the South American continent couldn’t snapchat. And the few folks on Antarctica’s continent couldn’t snapchat.

The funny thing about all of this is that Google, Snapchat, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram have all gone down, while Twitter has been up.

As a matter of fact, I don’t ever remember Myspace being down.

And get this y’all, it’s still around.

Hmm, somebody better do something about all of these big tech companies not being able to handle a back-up of traffic in the cloud.

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